Caroline Bradburn

Kineton High School celebrates and congratulates all its Year 11 students on their brilliant success at GCSEs. 

Their results are a testament to their hard effort and determination throughout a period of challenge and disruption and in a year when grade boundaries have been adjusted to 2019 levels. 

On basic measures, nearly half of all students gained a strong pass in English and Maths and three quarters gained a standard pass in both. Pleasingly, over a fifth all grades awarded were grades 9-7 or equivalent and the school’s vocational results were the best they’ve ever been.

Headteacher, Helen Bridge noted, “I’m so proud of our students this year. I was disappointed in the decision to take grade boundaries in England back to 2019 levels as the significant challenges faced by this year group through the COVID era and since, had the potential to seriously affect students’ next steps. However, we are positive that our cohort will be able to enter their destinations of choice with such strong outcomes.”

There were many amazing results where individual students did incredibly well in the face of adversity. Notably outstanding grades were achieved by these students; D’Arcy Charles 7x9, 1x8,1x7; Bea Scorer 5x9,4x8; Xanthippe Morley 2x9,7x8,1x7; Charlotte Elliot 4x9,2x8,2x7; Martha Wainwright 2x9,3x8,4x7; Joe Sparkes 5x8,2x7,3x6; Ben Lee L2D* 3X8,4X7,1X6,1X5

Thanks go to all the staff at the school and parents/carers for their support. We hope to see many of our Year 11 back in the sixth form and wish all of them the very best for the future.


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